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10 Surprising Facts About Farting (And Why You Shouldn’t Even Mind It)

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Dr Chris Mug

Oct 31, 2024

Let us face it, farting is something that everybody does, though it may be squeamish at times, is completely normal.

Here are ten interesting facts about farting that you may not have known and may change your view regarding it.

The First Joke Ever Was A Fart Joke

The world’s first recorded joke was a Sumerian fart joke from 1900 BCE, and was recorded during that time as: “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.” The answer therefore is yes, farting farts has been practiced in the past.

Each One Of Us Farts

Evidently, if you are a living being, you fart. It is a very important function of our body that comes about due to the air that we swallow and the bacteria in our intestines coming in contact with food. Those claiming to be fart free have simply chosen to ignore it.

You Can Expect To Have One Around Every 14 Time In A Day

The average adult farts 14 times each day and expels about 2 pints of gas. In fact, on a normal day, a healthy person may pass as much as 21 gases.

Only Sulfur Is What Makes A Fart Smell

Nitrogen and oxygen are most of the gasses contained in flatulence and are both odorless. The gas that brings the entire stink is the sulfur gas present in broccoli, eggs, and so on. Even a tiny concentration of sulfur compounds is enough to almost permanently register on your nose.

Trapped Gas in the Stomach In Extreme Cases Comes Out the Mouth

Trapped gas should be avoided as it may cause gas embolism in extreme cases. It’s best just to let it out.

Not Very Sophisticated Artists’ Portray Farts As Well

Many authors in history, including Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Dante, did not shy away from mentioning farts. Shakespeare writes in and “A Comedy of Errors” ‘Words are but wind’ as an example of flatulence humor.

When It’s Cold Outside, Why Are There Farts in the Air

Indeed farts are often inaudible, but this is not the case in winter when cold temperatures give it volume. We would say that when someone in a booth pushes too hard, a mist appears on quite an ordinary day.

Farts become more pronounced as the temperature rises.

Here in winter, it has become a tradition to eat beans which then lead to farting. This is because beans are composed of carbohydrates which can’t be easily absorbed hence there is gas.

Animals Fart Too

Who said that farting is an issue that only humans have? Animals have it too. For Ethel’s imperialis, gas must be egesta or they’ll become easy targets. At the same time termites are considered big natural producers of methane.

Shower Farts Smell Worse

Small items add up to increase the danger of flatulence, and since your shower is warm it will stimulate your sense of smell, so a fart in the bathroom is particularly intense.

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